Authors provide a complete manuscript ready for publishing. Injoy, Inc. provides a final editing process that double checks spelling and word usage, reviews sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and basic style. We also provide notes for the author to fact-check, reword for readability, and scan for errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. However, we do not rewrite the manuscript; you are the writer!

After the editing process, we provide the author a copy of the manuscript that highlights and tracks our revisions and notes, so the author can review and make suggested changes before submitting the final manuscript for publishing. We recommend that the author go through a thorough editing, proofreading and several-step draft and rewriting process, utilizing friends and editors before submitting their manuscript to Injoy, Inc. for our final editing process prior to publishing. Our final editing process prepares the manuscript for publishing, and ensures that the manuscript meets the quality standards of Injoy, Inc., but the author is encouraged to make sure they submit their best and most complete manuscript, by utilizing a thorough editing process before submitting the manuscript to Injoy, Inc.